Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Being Told I'm Beautiful By Strangers

Last night my glorious roommate and I had our first official roommate date. My friend Zoe had given us her BSO tickets to see YoYo Ma since Zoe was sick at home with a sinus infection, so Steph and I decided to make the most of it. We both came home from work, changed into some cute outfits, put on makeup. We even decided to drive into town and pay for parking so we could wear high heels (well worth it!!!). As we left the house I was thinking to myself, "We are the most attractive people in the world right now," a thought I haven't had in a while but a thought PenPen, Soul Twin and my Biscuit will remember well.

While walking down the stairs in the parking garage we ran into a woman who exclaimed, "You look so nice!" It took me a second to realize I didn't know her. She just wanted to shout about our beauty. Duh.

Now I've written about fat shaming, about cruel things that have been said to me by people I've never met. Another incident happened just the other night as I was riding my bike to my bike maintenance class. But for all the negative stranger experiences I've had many complimentary ones as well. 

It's picture story time!!

On my way to my darling Heidi's wedding a very handsome man kept smiling in my direction on the bus. As we exited the bus he caught up with me, just to say, "You are very pretty." And though I was already quite confident I looked amazing, it was nice of him to notice.

I was walking around a mall once when a woman stopped me to tell me I had beautiful eyes.

I was walking through Harvard Square when a woman stopped to ask me where I got my hair cut.

And then there was my magical JP day when a woman stopped me to comment on how great my new headband looked.

So yeah, sometimes dudes in cars/trucks can be super douches. But sometimes strangers can be/think I am lovely.

And today, well, I kind of agree with them.

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